Life in this broken world is full of challenges. Graciously, God has not left us on our own to figure it out. We believe God has spoken in his Word to give hope and help for all of life, from the highest joys to the sharpest pains and everywhere in between. There is rest for the weary and help for the hurting when we humbly turn to God, seeking to see ourselves and the world around us in the light of God’s truth. If you find yourself weary and in need of help today, please do not hesitate to reach out!


We believe God means for his people to live life together in prayerful dependence on him. So we have some ways in which the church body gets informed about prayer needs. You can 1) make your prayer requests known to a pastor/elder or deacon, 2) contact the office to get a request published in our weekly emailed Prayer Guide, or 3) fill out a Connection/Prayer form and place it in the boxes in the back of the sanctuary. If your’s is an urgent need, call the church office at 715.359.2422 or one of the elders or deacons.